New Year's resolution - Running my first Marathon!

It is another magically white winter in Sweden. The same period of the year as 3 years ago when I signed up for my first half marathon race. I remember vividly how I wrote that very exciting line in the list of my good resolutions for the coming year.Now, I realize that I decided to run a half marathon without having the experience of any other shorter distance race.Crossing the finish line of that very first race didn´t bring, as I expected it, the feeling of an end but of a new beginning - much more than an accomplished goal, it marked the discovery of a life time passion for running.

Here I am, 3 years later, in this same magical New Year's time when everything seems possible, facing a new important challenge: running my first marathon and not only that but also being an ambassador for the Limassol Marathon in Cyprus.

Why you should sign up for a race

What I love the most about taking part to a race is that every preparation cycle is a new start, a new opportunity to improve oneself and it is an incredible journey of commitment, self competition and discovery. Without running, I would never have learnt what I am capable of and I would not have realized that the limits of our body are only temporary boundaries we can push with every training we do.

Nordic winter Marathon training

The road to my first (Mediterranean, sunny, warm, turquoise and crystal clear) marathon is taking me through snowy and demanding spots. In the same way that a growing tree, before to reach for the sky , has already built below the ground a huge, powerful but invisible system of roots, the success in a marathon is made on these dark, cold and lonely roads.Marathon training is a life in short, a chance to discover yourself and to get better .